Wednesday 20 June 2012

Dragonfly with love by Hana Tajima!!

So I am signed up to a few things on Facebook, and regularly get updates from people like Hana Tajima Simpson (great style!) I saw that she has created her own pieces of jewellery, these dragonfly bracelets. I don't know why but I just fell in love with them!

I ordered one (email correspondence with Hana herself!) I wanted the white colour, unfortunately they all had gone at the time so I was going to get the Mauve until Hana told me there was one left! (hurrah!).

Arrived this morning with a cute little card and message from Hana herself! It's a cute and dainty and unique. Plus an amount of the profits go towards helping Japan with the horrendous tsunami that hit a while back.

I hope this is only the beginning from her and her jewellery!!

Peace, M

Tuesday 19 June 2012

It's been a while

Okay so basically there was a thought that me and Nida were going to come out with a fashion inspire blog, then it got to exam time and we got busy, then suddenly there was a huge influx of the same type of blogs/companies.

I mean I'm all for hijabys getting out there, but it seems like every thahmina, dina and Hafsah has a fashion blog or YouTube or hijab company!!

So this isn't going to be the same kinda thing. We are just going to post random posts, be it restaurants, websites, news , health fashion travels whatever.

For all we know we are writing this for ourselves , but hey it's fun

Friday 26 August 2011

Inspire Me.

To describe yourself is to know who you are & what make's you, you. We all have inspirations, ok maybe not all of us but most of us do. Many define people through appearance. It's true that a beautiful person is not just defined by outer appearance, but rather a beautiful personality & inner character also. The way you dress is the way you feel, well for me anyway. Fashion defines you & for me conforming isn't always good, especially when it comes to dressing up. "Different is never good & good is only what we pick" -- Sure thing.

Inspirations, where to start i have loads. However my top Four go something like this:

Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen - My fav, they are so unique.

I love their "more is less" approach & their obsession with layering, especially as winter is soon approaching ( THE BEST TIME OF YEAR, BY FAR) I used to stay away from layering as much as possible, until i literally fell in love with everything to do with their style. When i was younger i loved them, Mama even went out and got me the collection that they had out at the time, the kids line. Oh what i strange child i was but anyway, so after i started to wear the Hijab i fell for their fashion again. Their courage to pull of the effortless look is amazing. They make something so simple look so glam & funky. Very Boho-chick kind of thing. Layering makes simple pieces look elegant, the kind of look i love.

Hana Tajima simpson, a little, more Hijabi friendly.
She's elegant & amazing at pulling different styles off. The skirt in this picture is literally a statement piece, one i have myself & am in love with.
It can be found here...

When i first came across her lookbook i was amazed at how beautiful she made what ever she wore look. Everything she wears looks so effortless, as seen < here. I also am obsessed with how she does her Hijab but i tried it & it was an epic fail. Certain hijab styles only suit certain faces.

Dinaa Torkia , One of the most beautiful Hijabi's to have hit the internet. I like the kind of signature touch she add's to whatever she wears. Amazing, check out her lookbook, or facebook page. One fearless Hijabi, literally love her for what she stands for and even more so after watching her youtube video's. Her ability to make random high street pieces look as though they are designer is beyond me. Many of her looks though only she could pull off. I can not wait for her to launch her line.

Hey it's Fay

It's Nidaaaaaaaa, so where to start. Balancing the Hijab with trends can be tricky. Especailly now that everyone has some degree that allows them to criticise how others wear a hijab etc. I'm being sarcastic, but yeah.
My journey towards wearing my Hijab was one which taught me alot. Being brought up in a family where no one at all wore a Hijab or ever even contemplated wearing one, my new found interest in the Hijab was one which didn't go down well. With most of my family against the idea i decided not to wear one at first, a year later someone close to me passed away. During this time it was a personal journey with in itself & i realised it was now or never. The choice was mine to live for the Dunya or for my Deen. Not many supporeted my choice but Al7amdulillah i couldnt be happier.
So anyway that's that i'm a student who's just finished her A levels & is moving onto the next stage of life, uni. kjsfakjsjsjkfas. EXCITED.
This shall be a place where me & that kid share our little stories & fashion tip blah blah, for those interested of course.
"Hijab is not a Trend, the trend is change - Hijab is still a Hijab" - Dian Pelangi
Oh & finally Hijab mean's something different to everyone. So before you go about judgeing know that YOUR relationship with God is the only thing that should concern you. Not that of others.
Hug's & Kisses. Ox.

Thursday 25 August 2011


Okay, so where do I start? Maybe just a brief intro…Names Maryam…Uhmm…I’m arab, yes Im muslim (hence the whole hijab thingy)..What fashion means to me…hmm…Well to be honest if you saw me 3 years ago you would think this girl is a fresh pot and she’s fat. If you saw me a year ago, would again think, this girl is fat! lol just kidding. I guess what im trying to say is that fashion and style isn’t something your born with. You grow up, you meet people, your influenced by new things, this all develops what style you have. 

 I dont know what more to say tbh.. 

So yeah, Nida, a best friend of mine shares the same passion for fashion! I guess I’ve always looked at the people around me wanting to have the confidence to do this, and we finally joined forces… Anyways enough enough enough, I will leave Nida to do her own post...
Peace! M